LOOP LATT CIN2 CLR1&LONG CIN2 CLR4&TEMP GRTN 400 TXT4 -------------------------------------- TXT5 Select the cross-section of choice - TXT6 by giving left/north and right/south - TXT7 lat/long pairs. - TXT8 - TXT9 Once selected, the axis of the - TXTA section will appear on the map. You - TXTB may then procede with your analysis. - TXTC -------------------------------------- XSCT ENDL LOOP TXT4 --------------------------------------- TXT5 You may create the cross section of - TXT6 your choice now by typing "X" at this - TXT7 time. If you do so, you will note - TXT8 that you are at the command line of - TXT9 WINGRIDDS. Any field you wish to - TXTA analyze (eg. Temp, Wind, etc) will - TXTB be displayed in cross section mode. - TXTC When finished using cross section - TXTD mode, go back to the regular planar - TXTE mode by typing "PLAN". - TXTF - TXTG If you wish to examine the cross - TXTH section of RELH/VVEL/WIND followed - TXTI by MIXR/VVEL/WIND, hit the return - TXTJ key now.... - TXTK---------------------------------------- ENDL LOOP clr3 RELH clr4 VVEL dash& clr2 BKNT& TXT2 CROSS SECTION PLOT OF RELH/VVEL/WIND (knots) - NLBL XLTN CLRY& NCLB NLBL PRES CLRY& XLBL NLBL CLRF LAST& XLBB NLBL LATT CLRF& XLBB NLBL DATT LONG CLRF& endl loop clr3 MIXR clr4 VVEL dash& clr2 BKNT& TXT2 CROSS SECTION PLOT OF MIXR/VVEL/WIND (knots) - NLBL XLTN CLRY& NCLB NLBL PRES CLRY& XLBL NLBL CLRF LAST& XLBB NLBL LATT CLRF& XLBB NLBL DATT LONG CLRF& endl loop ERAS XSCT 0 0 0 0 ENDL