LOOP ERAS TXT3 -------------------------------------------------------------- TXT4 ANALYSIS USING TIME SECTIONAL CHARTS - TXT5 -------------------------------------------------------------- 4SEC TXT9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TXTA Time sectional plots can be created very simply in WINGRIDDS. - TXTB By executing this program, you have already entered the Time - TXTC seciton mode. For additional MACROS designed to create specific - TXTD Time secions, procede to Menu -F3. - TXTE - TXTF If you wish to create a time section at a point of your choice and - TXTG already know the command, procede by hitting the return key now..... - TXTH - TXTI If you wish to exit this macro, type "X" and now... - TXTJ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDL LOOP ERAS TXT4 ---------------------------------------------- TXT5 Some helpful reminders.... - TXT6 - TXT7 When finished analyzing data in time section - TXT8 mode, you MUST type "PLAN" to put WINGRIDDS - TXT9 back in "planar mode" (conventional mode). - TXTA TXTB Also, in order to put labels on your plots, - TXTC type: "TLBL." to run a labling macro. You - TXTD will have to do this for each time section - TXTE created, but it is easy and very fast. - TXTF - TXTG - TXTH ---------------------------------------------- ENDL LOOP ERAS LATT CIN2 CLR1&LONG CIN2 CLR4&TEMP GRTN 400 CLR1 TXT4 --------------------------------- TXT5 SELECT THE LAT/LONG POSITION OF - TXT6 YOUR TIME SECTION (eg. 37 100) - TXT7 AND HIT RETURN (twice). - TXT8 - TXT9 Note....a "plus" sign will - TXTA appear at the location you - TXTB selected. - TXTC --------------------------------- TSCT ENDL LOOP TXT4 ------------------------------------ TXT5 Now that you are in Time section - TXT6 mode, select any parameter you - TXT7 wish to analyze. Some suggestions - TXT8 might be: - TXT9 - TXTA VVEL - vertical velocity - TXTB MIXR - mixing ratio - TXTC RELH - Relative Humidity - TXTD BKNT - wind - TXTE etc... - TXTF - TXTG Remember, you can combine features - TXTH if you want. For example: - TXTI VVEL&MIXR&BKNT - TXTJ will give you the vert.vel with - TXTK mixing ratio and wind overlayed. - TXTL - TXTM WHEN DONE, TYPE "PLAN" TO PUT THE - TXTN SCREEN BACK IN THE PROPER MODE. - TXTO ------------------------------------ ENDL LOOP